Planting: Help your kids choose a variety of seeds, such as flowers, herbs, and vegetables, and then let them help with the planting. This is a great way to teach them about the lifecycle of plants and the importance of soil, sun, and water.
Our collectable Seed Ball Tins are perfect for this activity and enable you to plant wildflowers anywhere, which are great for wildlife like Bees and insects.

Gardening tools: Teach kids how to properly use gardening tools such as a trowel, hand fork watering can, and protective clothing like gloves, aprons and kneelers. This will help them understand how to care for their plants and keep the garden and themselves tidy.
We have a range of licensed children’s (and adults’) gardening tools, storage bags and gardenwear with characters from Disney and Beatrix Potter and launching Spring 2023 is a range from Laura Ashley and Emma Lawrences’ Little Helpers.
Composting: Teach kids about composting by showing them how to recycle kitchen and yard waste into nutrient-rich soil. This will help them to understand how food waste decomposes and feeds the plants!
Nature observation: Encourage kids to observe the different insects and birds that visit the garden. Set up a bird feeder and birdhouse, and let them take turns watching for birds and other creatures. Don’t forget to place some Pot Buddies around the garden and include them in your nature observation!
Garden art: Let kids use their imagination and create garden art with natural materials like leaves, flowers, and sticks. This is a fun way to incorporate creativity into gardening activities.
Garden games: Turn gardening into a fun game by setting up a scavenger hunt or creating an obstacle course using garden tools and plants. With Easter just around the corner who doesn’t love an Egg hunt?

Cooking: Use the fresh herbs and vegetables you grow in the garden to make healthy snacks and meals. Teach kids about cooking and healthy eating habits. Our Herbs Eco-Pot is the perfect accessory for growing herbs in your kitchen, which can then be used in cooking and makes the perfect Mother’s Day gift… don’t forget to keep dropping hints!
By doing these activities, you can help your kids learn about the environment, nature, and healthy living while also creating memories that will last a lifetime. So get outside and have fun this spring!